Help Make The Earth Right

We want to widen what it means to be an environmentalist, bring more seats to the table, and spark conversation that just might help save the world!


Is Pretty Cool

In today's world about 60% of clothing is made from or with plastic and 99% ends up in a landfill or gets incinerated. That is 40 tonnes burned or buried every second. At earthrYte you can send in your worn out clothes so they can be remade for someone else in return for credits to our store or other recycled clothing stores!

To Prove I'm Not Lying


Not So Bad

Another focus of ours is having completely compostable packaging. This is important to us because over 1/3 of an average landfill is made up of packaging material. Towards Zero Waste claims, "More than half of this packaging is made of plastic, but only 4% of plastic waste is recycled." Let's just say, we don't mess with single use plastics... at all.

Double Check Me I Dare You

Planting Trees

Kinda Awesome

We offset our carbon emissions by donating to One Tree Planted to plant one tree for every item sold. Not only does planting trees help reduce our carbon output, but it also has many other benefits for our earth. One Tree Planted says it the best, “Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, helps absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.”

Still Don't Trust Me?


You Get The Point

Clean Energy, Recycled Water, Organic Materials, we are at the top of the list when it comes to sustainable fashion. All joking aside, we are proud of all the ways we are trying to take the right steps so you as a consumer can make the right choice.

A Subtle Flex